Chicken Sausage


Chicken Sausage is a kind of food that is made by blending ground chicken and spices and processing the meat mixture to result in the sausages. This is a relatively new variation of sausage compared to the beef and pork varieties that is not only light, but healthier. It is made with different flavorings and is used in various preparations of many cuisines. These sausages can be preserved by curing, smoking or even drying; however, it is preferable to consume them at the earliest if raw or cooked. Countries such as America, Australia and parts of Europe use these sausages on a regular basis.


Types of Processing

Chicken sausage can be processed in different ways with each process resulting in a different flavor. This sausage can be preserved by smoking, cooking, drying, smoking & cooking or just left raw.


Ingredients and Preparation

The key ingredients of Chicken Sausage are ground chicken, ground sage, ground pepper, ground fennel seeds, ground red pepper flakes, salt and oil (for sautéing).

Nutmeg, peppercorns, onion, leeks, coriander seeds, etc., are other seasonings that are used for producing different flavors of this sausage.

Chicken Sausage is prepared by grinding the chicken (without bones) while it is cold and mixing the ground spices thoroughly. The contents are refrigerated and then made into sausages (patties). Since chicken does not contain much fat, these sausages need to be sautéed in a little oil so as to cook it well. They can also be grilled, if needed.


Popular Recipes Using Chicken Sausage

Chicken Sausage is a healthier sausage because of its low fat content and it is used in different preparations that include stir-fried dishes, sandwiches, curries, etc. Listed here are a few simple yet popular preparations of this sausage –


Stir Fried Chicken Sausage –

Ingredients Used: Chicken Sausages, onions, garlic, green chilies, green peppers, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and oil.

Preparation:  Sliced and browned sausages are added to sautéed onions, green chilies and green pepper that have been spiced with Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. All ingredients are stir fried till a nice flavor emanates and served with bread or chapatti (Indian flat bread).


Chicken Sausage Platter –

Ingredients Used: Chicken Sausages, shredded cabbage, cored & sliced apples, boiled eggs, butter, oregano, tomato sauce or Worcestershire sauce, sugar, salt and pepper.

Preparation: Shredded cabbage is stir fried in butter and spiced with tomato sauce, sugar, salt and pepper. It is set aside and sausages are roasted in butter in the same pan (to soak in the flavors of the sauce) till they have browned well. The sausages are seasoned with oregano and set aside. Meanwhile, apple slices are sautéed in butter long with a little sugar and pepper. They are transferred onto a plate. Boiled eggs are sliced and seasoned with salt and pepper. This platter containing sautéed sausages, boiled eggs, stir fried cabbage and sautéed apples is an ideal breakfast/brunch dish.


Nutritive Value

Chicken Sausage is a high source of protein (10g), Vitamin A (10%) and C (6%). It also has a good amount of minerals such as iron (4%) and calcium (2%).