Jam Roly Poly

Jam Roly Poly is a British confection which was earlier known as Roly Poly Jam Pudding. This dish is basically as flat rolled Suet pudding which is topped with jam and rolled.This dessert was traditionally made with raspberry, strawberry, apricot or plum jam.It is very much similar to a Swiss roll. This sweet dish is often served with custard. The dish can be baked, boiled and even steamed.


History And Origin Of Jam Roly Poly

The Jam Roly Poly recipe came into existence in the 19th century in Britain. It was earlier known as suety Jack in Potteries. The pudding is also known as various other names like Dead Man’s Arm and Dead Man’s Leg. Since this pudding was served in an old shirt sleeve, it was also referred to as shirt sleeve pudding.Traditionally, this jam roll was wrapped in an old cloth and boiled until the jam melted and dripped through the pastry.


Method Of Preparation And Ingredients Used In Jam Roly Poly Recipe

A sweet and simple dessert, Jam Roly Poly is a delicious treat for all times. The ingredients needed for Jam Roly Poly recipe are self-rising flour, butter, sugar, milk, raspberry jam, jelly roll pan and wax paper. To make the dish the oven is preheated and the wax paper brushed with butter is lined in a pan. A flour mixture is made by adding butter, bread crumbs and sugar. Water and milk are added and soft dough is made from the flour mixture. The dough is rolled and put on the baking tray and baked. Jam is spread on the baked dough and then it is rolled. Jelly roll is brushed with milk and then put in the oven for baking.


For making a steamed Jam Roly Poly, a thick jam is spread on the baked dough. A normal pan or steamer is used in which the roll is wrapped in a cloth and hanged at the ends of steamer.


Serving Jam Roly Poly

Jam Roly Poly is sliced and usually served with vanilla flavored custard. It tastes better when refrigerated and served with hot pouring custard or with whipped cream. Some people like to have it with ham sauce.


Trivia - Jam Roly Poly

The Jam Roly Poly is a part of classic desserts of mid-20th century British school dinners.