Tart Shell

Whether it is chocolate tart, lemon tart, strawberry tart, apple tart or cherry tart – tarts have always been a favorite choice of dessert with most. However to make a great tart recipe, a great tart shell needs to be created first. Tart shell is the base of the tart that contains the filling and therefore it is important that a tart shell is prepared in a proper manner. Tart shell recipes a re galore that explain in simple and easy to follow steps on how to prepare an excellent tart shell. A tart shell is made from a mixture of plain flour, unsalted butter, ice water and a little bit of salt and sugar. All the ingredients need to be mixed together well until it starts to resemble a coarse dumpling or like breadcrumbs. The tart shell recipe requires the dough to be properly rolled out and then baked till it turns pale golden all over.