Barbecue Steak

Barbecue Steak refers to the tender grilled meat taken from the region perpendicular to the muscle fiber usually of beef, pork, or lamb. Barbecuing is the most common way in which steaks are cooked. The lion and rib steaks, which are the more tender steaks, are cooked by applying dry heat. The chuck or round steaks which are not all that tender as the lion or rib are barbecued on moist heat. The lion and rib steaks are usually served as whole. Serving Barbecue Steak Differences in the style of serving barbecue steaks are observed across various cuisines. For example, the French like their steaks with potato fries, whereas the Americans like their steaks with baked potato or pasta. Cooking Barbecue Steak Barbecue Steak is cooked to different degrees of doneness. Raw, Seared( blue rare, very rare), Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Medium Well Done, Well Done, Overcook are all different extents to which the steaks are cooked. Barbecue Steak Recipes A number of barbecue steak recipes are made using different seasonings, marinades and rubs.