Zucchini Soup


Zucchini soup is  made with zucchini, which is a summer squash used as an ingredient in various culinary preparations, as the primary ingredient. The soup is widely consumed for the purpose of weight loss, as well as, for its many other health benefits like blood pressure regulation and prevention of heart disease.




 Zucchini Soup Recipe Overview

Ingredients: Ingredients used for preparing the soup include zucchini, margarine, onions, potatoes, rosemary, thyme, basil, white pepper, chicken broth, milk, soy sauce, dill weed and potato flakes.


Method of Preparation: The soup is prepared by sautéing chopped onions in heated margarine, followed by other vegetables and herbs, and cooking zucchini and potatoes in chicken broth by simmering on low flame. Soy sauce, milk and potato flakes are added at the final stage of preparation.




Serving Zucchini Soup

The soup is served hot or chilled, as an appetizer. It is often garnished with dill weed.




Zucchini Soup Recipe Variations

The soup ingredients can be altered to suit individual tastes, and there are many types of variants of the soup. Common additions to the soup are spinach, curry powder, or extra spices for preparing spicier versions of the soup.




Nutritional Information 

A single serving of zucchini soup contains about 133 calories, 4.1g fat and 3mg cholesterol.




Health Benefits of Zucchini Soup

• Due to the low calorie count and high dietary fiber content of zucchini, the soup is known to be a beneficial food for weight loss. The dietary fiber present in zucchini also helps improve digestion, prevent constipation and regulate blood sugar.

• The dietary fiber present in zucchini helps in lowering cholesterol by attaching itself to the bile acids of the body.

• Zucchini soup consumption prevents cancer, as the fiber of zucchini promotes healthy bowel movement and prevents unhealthy carcinogenic substances from settling in the colon and becoming the cause of cancer. Folate and vitamins A and C present in the soup also help in fighting cancer by acting as antioxidants.

• Phytonutrients present in this soup also help in promoting prostrate health, and preventing enlargement of the prostrate gland which causes problems in sexual function and urination.

• Vitamins A and C present in the soup act as powerful antioxidants and have an anti-inflammatory effect on patients of arthritis, asthma, etc.

• The soup is rich in magnesium, and hence beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart. Folate present in the soup also breaks down homocysteine, a dangerous amino acid which is known to cause heart attack or stroke.

• Potassium content of the soup helps in lowering blood pressure. 

• Manganese present in the soup aids in metabolism of carbohydrates and protein. Manganese also increases the level of superoxide dismutase, which protects against oxidative stress. It helps in production of amino acids responsible for wound healing and a healthy skin.