Almond Soup


Almond soup is an appetizer made with almonds along with a variety of other vegetables. There are numerous recipes for preparing the soup and each country favors a particular form of it. The dish is usually vegetarian but can be flavored with pieces of chicken or red meat. Both the cold as well as the hot forms of the soup are popular among various communities.


The soup is usually milk based and often made into a wholesome dish by adding rice or noodles. Mace, cinnamon powder and black pepper are the favored seasonings which contribute to the spicy, aromatic flavor of the soup.


Zupa migdalowa is a Polish soup that is a part of the Wigilla or Christmas Eve celebrations. The Spanish prefer to consume the chilled soup while the British prepare it by means of a slow cooker. American almond soup recipes recommend the nutritious nuts to be combined with a variety of vegetables like garlic, onions, carrots and broccoli. The Chinese prefer to boil raw almonds in water and sweeten it with rock sugar before serving.


The soups are extremely nutritious and contain minerals, vitamins as well as the antioxidants, that can be obtained from raw almonds.



Almond Soup Recipes: Ingredients and Preparation Overview

The basic recipe of almond soups recommends blanching the almonds and preparing the soup in skimmed milk. Celery, dill and parsley provide the flavor whereas a mixture of yogurt and eggs serve as the thickening agent instead of heavy cream. Chicken stock is usually added to augment the nutritive value of the soup which is sprinkled with a few toasted almonds just before serving.


The preparation method consists of boiling all the ingredients together in milk which is then passed through a food processor and added with the yogurt-egg mixture before warming again. Preparing the dish is not time consuming and it can be served as a low-calorie, healthy appetizer.



Almond Soup Variations

  • Ajo Blanco- This is a chilled version of almond soup which is served with grape halves floating on it. Sherry vinegar is an important ingredient of this Spanish soup consumed by the Jewish sect.
  • Zupa Migdalowa- This is a vegetarian soup consumed by the Polish people on Christmas Eve. It is served hot during the celebrations but is eaten cold during other times of the year.
  • Sweet Chinese Soup- The Chinese almonds are apricot kernels which are cooked in water and sweetened before serving.
  • Badaam Soup- This is a traditional Indian soup that is cooked in butter with the almonds blended to a smooth paste by mixing them with milk. Flour is used as a thickening agent and the only seasonings added are salt and black pepper powder.



Almond Soup: Nutritive Value

Almonds are considered to be the most nutritious of all edible nuts. The soup prepared with them is usually low in calories and can help the body fight cancer by virtue of its antioxidant content. It is also rich in dietary fiber and can help in keeping the body warm during winters with the chilled soup being a refreshing addition in the hot summers as well.