
Hagfish is a slime producing marine animal which is often classified as a slime eel. It is not clear if this is a fish or simply a marine animal. The features resemble that of an eel. The animal is distinguished by its small paddle like fins which help it to stear through water.


This marine creature is not generally considered good for consumption owing to its scary looks and unpleasant food habits. Some particular species of slime eels found in Northwest Pacific are considered fit for consumption. They are valued as a food item in Korea and other neighboring Asian countries. The hagfish is irritated with a stick and forced to produce slime which is used as a substitute for egg in various Asian dishes. The slime is considered good substitute for egg white. It is believed that nearly 5 million pounds of hagfish is consumed by Koreans every year (aquaticcommunity.com). South Koreans consume this fish with a glass of soju – a typical starch or rice based vodka consumed in Korea. The fish is sometimes barbecued, boiled and fried prior to consumption. Some anecdotal evidences suggest that slime eels are also eaten raw in some parts of the country.


Hag Fish Recipe
Following are some of the rare but main dishes prepared using this fish –

  • Kkomjangeo Bokkeum – This is a Korean dish prepared by stir frying the ingredients. Inshore hagfish is stir-fried in sauce and served with alcohol. The fish is sometimes stir-fried in its spicy seasoning and some vegetables on a grill in an unusual manner. The fish is then placed over perilla leaf and eaten. It is often paired with a spicy and sweet sauce which imparts sweet and spicy texture to the fish. 


Health and Scientific Benefits
Following are some of the well-known and lesser known health and scientific benefits offered by hagfish.

  • Natural Source of Insulin – Slimy eel is a natural source of insulin. This insulin is not considered fit for human use but it has helped scientists to learn about the insulin production in the human body. This has helped over the years to overcome insulin malfunction in small but beneficial way.


  • Cancer Studies – The hagfish is employed for studying about the cancers in primitive living beings that appeared on earth. The cancer studies suggested that it was purely due to the ingestion of pollutants and other chemicals in usage. The depleting population of this fish has helped Governments all over the world to strengthen their grip on consumption of certain species. It has been found that this fish has triggered liver cancer in China and Europe where the governmental and environmental laws are bit relaxed as in comparison to Europe.