Melba Sauce

Melba sauce is a fruit sauce, which is made by using raspberries, currant jelly and some cornstarch for creating a thick consistency. The sauce is reddish pink in color and is very sweet and fruity in texture. This sauce is often associated with Peach Melba and is often drizzled on many desserts like ice cream, frozen yogurt, angel food cake or pudding. Melba sauce is made with the fruit raspberry but a variation can be brought about by adding a similar type of fruit in the sauce so that it gets some different unique flavors. The easiest way of cooking Melba sauce is by using double boiler and if this recipe is prepared traditionally, then raspberry should be used and no variations should be brought about. The traditional Melba sauce recipe is relished by people and has been invented due to the Peach Melba.


Ingredients and Mehtod of Preparing Melba Sauce Recipe

The key ingredients required for preparing Melba sauce are currant jelly, sieved fresh or frozen raspberries, cornstarch, salt and sugar. The initial step is to sieve canned or fresh raspberries so that the seeds are held back and washed thoroughly. The berries are cooked gently, the sugar is also added and is cooked for about 6 minutes or for more time so that the sauce becomes thick and heavy. It is blended or sieved to form a puree by adding cornstarch or arrowroot with some water so that the sauce becomes smooth and creamy. Before serving the sauce, it is stirred thoroughly so that the sauce becomes translucent. Melba sauce recipe is served cold or warm by pouring it on various desserts and this sauce is best for vanilla or chocolate ice cream. 


Serving Melba Sauce

Melba sauce is sweet in taste and is added in various desserts for different flavor. It can be served warm or cold according to people’s choice and is drizzled on tarts, cakes, shakes, floats, coolers, etc. It is poured over ice creams such as vanilla, chocolate, Peach Melba or over vanilla mousse. This sauce is a side dish or it can be used as an ingredient or for garnishing purpose. It can be served over angel food cake or over fat free frozen yogurt.


Some Health Facts Related to Melba Sauce Recipe

Melba sauce is a healthy and a rich sauce, which is high in nutritional value with proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and sodium. It also contains intake of empty calories if consumed in large amounts but the sauce is not harmful for people.