Cinnamon Sauce


Cinnamon sauce is prepared using cinnamon and this sauce is served over desserts like apple dumpling, bread pudding, and banana fritters. This sauce is used in many restaurants over Europe and is utilized as a dessert sauce.


Cinnamon Sauce Recipe Overview

Water, sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, butter and vanilla are needed to make this sauce. In most of the recipes the cinnamon is cooked with water, sugar and cornstarch while making the sauce. The flavoring of sauce is adjusted by adding butter and vanilla toward the end of cooking. Sometimes egg yolk is also added to the sauce to enrich its texture. In that case it is combined with cornstarch and sugar and boiled with cinnamon stock. Vanilla is mostly used in the cinnamon sauces to enrich its aroma.


Popular Variations

Following are some of the popular cinnamon sauces which differ from the basic sauce due the choice of combining ingredients and their serving purposes.


  • Cinnamon Caramel Sauce – This sauce is prepared using brown sugar, flour, butter, water, Saigon cassia cinnamon, and double strength Madagascar vanilla. This sauce is unique due to its method of preparation. The flour and water are cooked together with little butter. Cinnamon and vanilla are added to it after removing from heat. The sauce is served over pancakes, apple pies, bread pudding and ice cream.


  • Cinnamon and Clove Cranberry Sauce – The usage of warm spices in this sauce makes it a best choice during holiday season. Cranberry sauce is prepared using cranberries, sugar, water, finely grated orange peel, and kosher salt.  Cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, and grated peeled fresh ginger are combined with cranberry sauce mixture and cooked. This American sauce is usually served during Thanksgiving with Turkey dishes.


  • Cinnamon Apple Cranberry Sauce – A popular dessert sauce which served over pudding and ice cream. It is prepared using cranberry juice, sweetened dried cranberries, cinnamon stick, sugar, Gala apples, and corn starch. Cinnamon sticks are removed from the sauce before serving. Dishes topped with this sauce have become integral part of Thanksgiving culture throughout America.   


  • Cinnamon Cream Sauce – This dessert sauce is served over Christmas pudding in many European homes. This sauce is prepared using heavy cream, cinnamon and light brown sugar. Sometimes the raspberry puree is drizzled over the pudding and then topped with cinnamon cream sauce.