Cherry Tomato Sauce

Cherry tomato sauce, as the name suggests, is a type of Italian tomato sauce, which is primarily made of cherry tomatoes and flavored with garlic, olives, peppers, etc.  This sauce is an integral feature of the Italian cuisine and is served with various kinds of pasta dishes and snacks like mozzarella morsels.


Usage and Preparation
Cherry tomato sauce is often served as a side dish with various types of pasta like linguini, spaghetti, or it is teamed with some fish and meat preparations. Cherry tomatoes are combined with ingredients like onion, basil, balsamic vinegar and spices like pepper, salt, and sugar, during the sauce preparation. Apart from its usage as a condiment, this tomato sauce is also used as a base for cooking different types of pastas. In Italy the sauce is served after tossing with pasta or served as a topping for grilled or roasted chicken or fish.


The flavor and texture of the sauce can be enhanced by adding ingredients like sliced button mushrooms, or some extra herbs. The sauce is sometimes topped with grated mozzarella cheese or cheddar cheese.


Ripened cherry tomatoes are used for preparing the sauce and they are baked, sautéed, roasted and crushed to make a sauce.


Cherry tomatoes are enriched with antioxidants and are good sources of beta carotene and vitamin C. They are also enriched with minerals vitamin E and manganese. In terms of phytonutrients, they are enriched with various types of flavanols, flavones, carotenoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, glycosides and fatty acid derivatives.


Health Benefits

  • Cardiovascular Support – This is one area where the health benefits of cherry tomatoes excel. The cherry tomatoes boost the cardiovascular health in two ways – by providing antioxidant support, and by regulating the fats in blood stream.
  • Boosts Bone Health – Tomatoes in general are revered for supporting bone health. This property stems from the involvement of antioxidants present in the tomato. The lycopene present in the cherry tomato helps to overcome oxidative stress and boosts the bone tissues.  The usage of cherry tomato is considered best for women approaching menopause because it helps them to overcome osteoporosis.
  • Anti-Cancer- Cherry tomato is known to possess many anti-cancer benefits due to the presence of several antioxidants. The cancer risk starts from chronic inflammation and oxidative stress and antioxidants present in this fruit combats these two conditions to stop the advancement of disease.