Basting Sauce

Basting sauce is a special sauce or marinade prepared for coating the meats or vegetables while grilling or barbequing. This sauce is typically used in a cooking process called basting. In roasting or grilling cooking techniques, meat is cooked for an extended period of time that makes the outer layer of the meat quite dry. Basting sauce is used to give moisture to the meat as well it also facilitates in making the skin crunchy. The ingredients included in the sauce are able to enhance the flavor of the food. Though basting sauce recipes are prepared to prevent the dryness, but if not properly applied to the food the problem of dryness may get worse. Chicken, turkey, pork and beef are the main meats that require basting as these meats tend to get dry very fast. Lamb is usually juicy and releases enough juices while grilling, but basting is required for it as well to provide flavor.


History and Origin of Basting

Sauces Basting sauce is also known as barbeque sauce, but the origin of these sauces is still unclear. Some people believe it to be originated in the end of the 15th century, while some trace it to the 17th century in American colonies. The first barbeque sauce that was produced commercially was manufactured by Georgia barbeque sauce co. in Atlanta. After that ‘Kraft foods’ had also introduced a version of basting sauce by manufacturing cooking oil mixed with spices.


Ingredients Prescribed by Basting Sauce Recipes

There are many variations of basting sauce that are popular in various cuisines. All variations include different ingredients according to the palate and preference. Usually, basting sauce includes both sweet and savory ingredients. Most commonly used components are vinegar, cooking oil, lemon juice, sugar, Worchester sauce or tomato sauce. Some of the most popular basting sauces are prepared with olive oil that is light and good for providing glaze and moisture. Various herbs including thyme, oregano and parsley are commonly added to the sauce for giving an aromatic flavor. Red pepper sauce, black pepper and minced garlic are integrated to give spice to the grilled item. In few instances, beer is added that catches the flame very quickly and offers a smoking taste to the meat and vegetables. Chicken stock also included for adjusting the consistency of the basting sauce. Blonde roux is also separately prepared with flour and butter and inculcated in the sauce mixture in order to provide smoothness and thickness of the sauce.


Method of Preparation of Basting Sauce

Basting sauce is typically prepared with stir-frying method. Cooking oil is heated in a pan and ingredients like minced garlic or grounded onion are added and stir-fried until wilted. All the sauces, spices and herbs are added in the pan along with chicken stock. A boil is needed to blend the chicken stock with all ingredients. Sugar and salt should be added after the boil and properly whisked until dissolved. Blonde roux is prepared in another pan and mixed with the sauce mixture on a low flame. Blend the sauce properly until thickened. To adjust the consistency of the sauce, extra chicken stock may be added.


Serving of Basting Sauces

Basting sauce is usually used as a marinade for the meats and vegetables to be grilled. It is also served as a barbeque sauce or condiment along with roasted and barbeque foods.


Nutritional Facts Related to Basting Sauce Recipes

Basting sauce is a beneficial recipe that contains various herbs and spices. Almost all flavorings and seasonings are healthy and delicious. If prepared with less oil and butter, basting sauces are quite healthful.