
Eggless recipes usually consist of food items that have been cooked with a special egg substitute or with no eggs at all. While eggs are known to be high in protein with other additional health products a number of people do tend to shy away from them preferring to consume eggless food instead. People who are vegetarians or vegans on account of religious beliefs or health often try to opt for dishes cooked according to the eggless recipes. Allergic reactions to eggs are quite common while the elderly people along with patients suffering from hypertension and cardiac ailments are often advised to eat eggless food products.


History Of Eggless Food

Eggless recipes have been around for a long time almost since the beginning of civilization. Some ancient communities practice vegetarianism as part of their religion and had shunned eggs completely. The health related benefits of consuming eggless food products became obvious during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries when a special effort was made to prepare the traditional dishes with substitutes which resulted in the origin of eggless recipes. The year 1947 saw President Truman urging the Americans to go without eggs on Thursday as a means of conserving food. A number of recent converts who favor the eggless recipes do so as a measure of protest against the cruelty imparted to the fowls kept confined in overcrowded small cages.


Dietary Laws Governing Eggless Food Consumption

Eggless recipes do not contain eggs in any form be it fresh or powdered. Some people do confine themselves to avoiding the yolk of the egg only while others refuse to eat eggs even in dessert items preferring to use gelatin, arrowroot or banana to bake cakes. Tofu is one of the most common substitutes recommended by eggless recipes while potato starch, soy powder and cornstarch are often used as binding agents in lieu of the eggs. Some eggless recipes also recommend using the Ener-G egg replacer which is commercially available as a packaged product.


Dietary Routine Based on Eggless Recipes

A meal plan based on an eggless menu can comprise of the following:-


• Breakfast- Tofu Scrambler, Commercial egg replacer, Soy milk and Eggless raisin loaf.

• Lunch & Dinner- Tofu Burger, Vegetarian Chili, Lentil Soup, Meal starters and Vegetable Patties along with eggless desserts.


Health Benefits Of Eggless Recipes

Allergy to eggs is the second most common intolerance found especially in children. It is best to avoid eating the egg completely in such cases and opt for a vegetarian fare or the eggless recipes instead. Egg yolks contain an increased amount of cholesterol which leads to atherosclerosis and cardiac ailments in the elderly. People suffering from hypertension also need to opt for an eggless diet in order to lead a normal life. Health professionals also warn of salmonella contaminated eggs which can prove to be dangerous making it much safer to avoid eggs completely.


Eggless Recipes: Trivia

One of the most well known eggless recipes, the custard powder was invented by Alfred Bird because his wife was allergic to eggs.