Puff Dough

Puff dough is important to prepare as it forms a major base for making all kinds of pies, tarts and pastries. Puff dough can be bought from the store as well as made at home. Usually most people prefer buying puff dough off the shelf, since making at home does take a lot of effort and time. However, plain puff dough recipes are abundantly available for those who like to prepare everything at home. There can also be a number of variations to the puff dough recipes and one can creative and add additional ingredients to it. Cream puff dough is one such recipe that can be prepared at home too by following the instructions on how to make puff dough recipes. To make puff dough, butter, salt and water have to be combined and boiled. To this mixture flour needs to be beaten till it forms a ball and doesn’t stick to the sides of the pan. Unbeaten eggs have to be added and whisked till they don’t turn smooth. The puff dough needs to be baked till they turn brown and they can then be filled with a choice of ingredients including custard, pudding or even creamed chicken.