Pickle Relish

A pickle relish is basically a fruit of vegetable piece that is immersed in a sauce to add on to its flavor and preserve it for prolonged periods of time. Various pickle relish recipes use different fruits and vegetables like lemon, carrot or mangoes that are chopped and added to a kind of a sour or sweet sauce. The end result is stored for use as and when required. One of the most popular pickle relish is made from pickled cucumbers. This is served extensively with hot dogs and compliments their taste. The best part is that pickle relish recipes ensure that the food item has a long shelf life and can be stored at room temperature without any risk of damage. Hence, a pickle relish may be sweet, savory or spicy depending on the ingredients used like bay leaves, mustard seeds, cayenne, onion, celery seeds, peppers and cloves. It is almost made very strong and served in small quantities.