Seafood Omelette

Seafood omelette is a dish made by the combination of fried egg and seafood. Seafood may include shrimps, salmon, crab meat, lobsters and oysters. However, other ingredients may vary from one recipe to another. Although its not a very commonly used ingredient in omelettes, some authentic seafood omelette dishes are available. Chinese, Thai, French, American as well as Italian cuisines have several seafood omelettes that are prepared either for breakfast or for light dinner meals.


Preparation Overview of Seafood Omelette

Seafood omelette is generally prepared with a handful of either diced or sliced seafood meat. It is a hearty omelette that can also contain several other vegetables, meats and seasonings. Here is the preparation overview for the omelette:


Ingredients: Eggs with or without yolk, whites, finely chopped or sliced seafood, finely chopped tomatoes, mushrooms (either chopped or sliced), fine herbs such as fresh parsley, chives and tarragon, any variety of cheese such as Cheddar or Gruyere, chopped onion, garlic powder, a selection of roasted chopped vegetables such as peppers, courgettes and aubergines.


All the mentioned components are either added altogether or can be used in different combinations according to the choice and the recipe. Black pepper and salt are the commonly used seasonings that are typically included as per taste. Butter and olive oil are used to sauté or to fry the ingredients. Quite often milk is included in beaten egg to get a fluffy mixture.


Preparation Overview: Like other omelettes, seafood omelette is also prepared as a flat omelette (frittata) or folded omelette. Starting with folded omelette, this type of omelette is the usual omelette that is exceptionally popular throughout the world. Seasonings and milk are added while beating the egg whereas all other ingredients are such as meats and vegetables are sauteed in butter or oil until tender and completely cooked. The sautéed ingredients are lightly seasoned with either dried or chopped fresh herbs. The seasoned filling is then taken away from the pan and kept aside. The beaten egg is then poured in the pan and fried at low heat to avoid burning. When the egg starts to set, the edges of the omelette with the help of spatula are lifted upwards, and uncooked egg is allowed to run underneath. When the top of omelette is still runny, the sautéed filling is spread evenly on it and the egg is folded carefully ensuring that the filling mixture does not come out of the omelette.

The process of beating egg and sautéing vegetables for a flat omelette is relatively similar to that of folded omelette, but the sautéed seafood mixture remains inside the pan and egg mixture is poured over it. This method allows the stuffing mixture to remain properly within the egg.


Grated cheese is sprinkled over the cooked omelette as garnish and allowed to melt.


Serving Seafood Omelette

Seafood omelette is popularly served as a breakfast dish with toasted bread, but it can also be served in brunch or light dinner along with jacket potato and green salad. For light supper and substantial lunch, this dish is ideal.