Organic Almond Oil

Organic almond oil is a healthier alternative to conventional almond oil and it is produced without any synthetic inputs such as additives and industrial solvents, and without the involvement of irradiation process.


The process of extraction of almond oil by the organic method is relatively similar to the process of extraction by the non-organic method; the only difference lies in the production of the almonds by organic techniques and the processing of oil without any extra flavorings. The organic almond oil is unrefined and extracted by pressing the dry kernels of the almond.


The rich aroma and dark golden color are the highlighted features of the organic variety of almond oil that make it suitable for edible as well as cosmetic purposes. However, bitter almond oil is not recommended for consumption, but sweet almond oil is recommended for consumption.


Culinary Uses of Organic Almond Oil

The heavy and nutty flavor of organic almond oil is widely preferred for flavoring several dishes in different cuisines. Both sweet and savory dishes are prepared with almond oil. Several desserts are made with almond oil to provide a subtle and rich taste of almonds.Almond crusted fish can be flavored with a drizzle of this organic oil and the oil can also be used in the dressing prepared for passion fruit salad.


Organically produced almond oil is specifically used in vegetarian and kosher dishes, if prepared by kosher techniques. Being a light oil, this organic oil makes a good substitute for olive oil. It can be drizzled over salads and baked goods, and even used for stir-frying.


Production of Organic Almond Oil

Organically produced almonds are used for extracting the oil by organic methods. It is a complete vegan oil that uses low-temperature pressing techniques for production. Low-volume, high-technology oil press is specifically used to extract the oil from the almonds at low temperatures that allows the oil to retain its molecular composition as in the nut.


The raw almond oil is not processed with any industrial solvents. The organic oil is devoid of hydrogenated or saturated fats. Only natural and fresh oil is provided to the consumers.


The fresh organic almond oil can be stored in a refrigerator for at least 6 months and the nutrients are retained in the oil.


Nutrition Facts of Organic Almond Oil

Proteins, dietary fibers, Omega fatty acids and unsaturated fats are present in genuinely produced almond oil. This oil is full of nutrients that are otherwise lost while processing. It is also an additional source of vitamin E and minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.


Like olive oil, almond oil is a less fatty oil that helps promote weight loss, and  is useful for obese and diabetic patients.



90º-115°F temperature is the ideal low-temperature for pressing and extracting the organic almond oil from the almond kernels, as at this temperature kernels are not heated much and retain most of their nutrients.