National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month recipes are most importantly nourishing, delicious and easy to prepare. March is celebrated as National Nutrition Month every year and it is an education campaign sponsored yearly by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and its Foundation. The month focuses on healthy eating and following a regular fitness regime. There is a variety in National Nutrition Month food and the food caters to every taste bud. The theme of National Nutrition Month of 2011 is “eat right with colors”.


Popular National Nutrition Month Recipes

  • Salsa- It is a healthy and colorful combination of vegetables seasoned with salt, pepper and lime juice. This is one of the National Nutrition Month recipes that is often used as an appetizer or as a healthy snack item.
  • Spinach lasagna- It is a popular National Nutrition Month food which consists of Lasagna as the main ingredient. Basil, parsley and ricotta cheese add to the flavor of the dish.
  • Oatmeal cookie- It is one of the common snacks which can be eaten at any time of the day. These oatmeal cookies are low in calories and can be relished with any hot or cold beverage.
  • Spiced corn- One of the popular National Nutrition Month recipes, spiced corn consists of steamed corn flavored with spices and herbs; a perfect snacking option for all ages


Significance of National Nutrition Month Food

The National Nutrition Month recipes aim to make the people aware about the importance of healthy eating and regular exercising. Through this occasion people are informed about healthy food choices which they can make and the benefits associated to them. There are different themes for every year celebration; Invest in Yourself- Buy Nutrition" (1973); "Food Fads Fool" (1975); "Get a Taste for Nutrition!" (2005).


National Nutrition Month Year 2011 Food

The theme for the year stresses on consuming different colored fruits and vegetables. The phytochemicals present in the fruits and vegetables are benefitting to the health in many ways. Here are some of the color based fruit and vegetable groups recommended for Year 2011 National Nutrition Month.

Red- Tomatoes, red peppers, strawberries and cherries

Green- Spinach, beans, kiwis, grapes

Yellow- Corn, lemon, summer squash

Orange- Oranges, carrots.


Customary Way of Serving National Nutrition Month Food

The National Nutrition Month recipes are a rich source of nutrition. The mornings start with healthy breakfast comprising of oatmeal and milk. The lunch consists of delicious yet healthy foods which are low in calories, saturated fats and carbs. Children are served with healthy lunch meals, fruits and vegetables in schools during the entire month. The National Nutrition Month recipes are also included in the office menus. Also, apart from healthy eating, exercise and fitness are also given a lot of importance in this month.