Deep Frying

Deep Frying is the process of cooking vegetables, or snacks in very hot oil in deep pan. It is one of the methods of cooking used for various dishes prepared by housewives as well as professional cooks as it gives the food a tasty, delicious and satiating taste.  A popular method of dry cooking, where no water is used, the food to be deep fried is immersed in hot oil in a frying pan, deep fryer or industrial machines meant for the same purpose. The temperature of the oil should be maintained according to the thickness of the food to be fried. For most frying tasks the correct temperature ranges between 175 and 190 degree centigrade.




Firstly, the oil is heated upto the optimum temperature in a deep frying pan or wok. A tiny amount of the food can be dropped into the hot oil for testing the temperature of the oil. Alternatively, a cooking thermometer can also be used to check the temperature of the oil being heated in the frying pan. Once the ideal temperature has been reached, small batches of the food are released into the hot oil. These food items remain half immersed in the oil while being fried. With the help of a slotted or a perforated spatula the food is turned from time to time. The hot oil in the fryer is also poured over the frying food with the help of the slotted spatula to ensure even frying. Once the food item is golden brown it should be removed on a kitchen towel to drain the excess of oil. If left unnoticed, the food may get burnt due to the high temperature of the oil.




The deep frying method of cooking food has been in use for thousands of years. Any one person cannot be credited with inventing this method. However, it can be assumed that it was discovered accidentally by the ancient humans while trying various ways to cook their food. It has been known that pottery was invented somewhere between 10000 – 5000 B.C. Prior to this food was cooked in open fire or after being wrapped in dry leaves or husks. It is only after pottery was developed that man started cooking by other methods such as boiling, braising, stewing and deep frying. Hence it can be fairly said that the method of cooking using the deep frying procedure was discovered anytime between the years 10000 B.C and 5000 B.C.


Process – Equipment and Procedure Used for Deep Frying


There are various equipments that can be used for the purpose of deep frying food. In most household kitchens any deep frying pan or wok is used for heating the oil and deep frying the food in it. The automated deep fryers were also popular as they allow the cook to engage in multitasking without the fear of burning up any food being deep fried. These could be used in household kitchens, restaurants, catering services or any other place. However, for industrial use there was a completely separate range of deep fryer machines ideal for huge batches of deep frying done in various food factories.


The procedure of deep frying does not leave the food oily and greasy if used properly and in the correct manner. This is because the moisture content of the food repels the oil in the frying pan. The hot oil causes the water content in the food to heat up and steam the food matter within, thus allowing it to get cooked. The hot oil cannot penetrate the food because of the pressure created by the water vapour inside the food, which pushes the bubbles towards the surface. However, if food is immersed in oil that has not been heated aptly, oil will penetrate into the food leaving it excessively oily and greasy, spoiling the overall taste and texture of that food. On the other hand, if the oil has become over heated it will cause the food to burn easily. Therefore, the correct temperature of heating oil in the fryer must be maintained. Any food left in the oil for too long causes the water content within the food to dry out, allowing the oil to penetrate the food and make it greasy.



Advantage and Disadvantage of Deep Frying


The main advantage of deep frying as a method of cooking is that it is relatively faster compared to other methods of cooking, such as roasting, toasting and boiling. Another advantage is that deep frying automatically enhances the taste of the food. The biggest disadvantage of deep frying is that it causes high cholesterol and is unhealthy.



Popular Dishes Prepared Using Deep Frying Method


  • French Fried Potatoes
  • Banana Chips
  • Chicken Patty used in Burger
  • Deep Fried Calamari
  • Deep Fried Raviolis
  • Deep Fried Beef Chimichangas with Guacamole