Mediterranean Lunch


Mediterranean Lunch consists of a selection of fine dishes that may be consumed at lunch belonging to the what is referred to as one of the most healthiest cuisines in the world i.e. The Mediterranean Cuisine. Mediterranean food is believed to be light, tasty and nutritious owing to the use of certain specific ingredients characteristic of this style of cooking. Such ingredients include olive oil, fresh and dried herbs, nuts, fresh veggies and fruits. 
Typical Mediterranean Lunch 
A Mediterranean Lunch may include following options–
Mediterranean White bean and Kale soup with sausage bits or a Cold Cucumber-Scallion Soup with Avocado. 
A filling bulgur wheat salad or couscous salad with carrots and peppers dressed with hung yoghurt, pepper and dill or a Greek toasted Pita and herb salad or a healthy beet, feta and herb salad.
Spanish style roasted red peppers with grilled tuna and cheese.
Tender meatballs in fragrant spiced tomato sauce.
Healthy whole wheat pasta in a tomato based sauce with skinless roasted chicken cubes and spinach with shredded cheese. 
Nutrition Information
More often than not, any assortment of dishes opted for a lunch meal from the Mediterranean cuisine would make for a healthy choice. As such, use of plenty of fresh salads, soups; eating raw or cooking foods by steaming, grilling and baking methods rather than frying are techniques that reduce that fat intake and add fewer calories to the lunch meal.  What makes Mediterranean food so healthful?
Use of olive oil or canola oil in cooking as well as part of salad dressings, provides monounsaturated fats as are also available from fish and avocado. These monounsaturated fats help lower total and LDL cholesterol levels as well as triglycerides as indicated through research findings. Even these healthy fats need to be used in restricted amounts. 
Use of varieties of fruits and veggies, whole wheat breads, grains, beans, seeds in every meal affords a good deal of fibre that helps slow down absorption of sugar into the blood stream thereby preventing sugar spikes. Studies have reported an improvement in insulin sensitivity that lowers chances of developing type 2 diabetes and additionally helps weight loss and good bowel health.     
A rich supply of vitamins, minerals and vital antioxidant nutrients from the aforesaid foods that defend the body tissues from free radical damage and offer protection against heart attacks, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Aging etc. 
Typically a Mediterranean Lunch would be beneficial if it contains a major portion of plant food, limited amounts of low fat dairy products, fish and poultry with the use of lean meats in even lesser amounts. 
A glass of red wine providing resveratrol, flavonoids and plant phenols that have proven neuroprotective, cardioprotective effects, is usually consumed along with a lunch meal.   
A quick nutritious lunch on the move would consist of a Hearty Peanut Butter Sandwich. Use of whole grain oatmeal or pita bread with about a tablespoon of natural unsweetened peanut butter would be ideal. Steamed baby carrots and asparagus as well as a cup of fat free plain Greek yoghurt would complete the meal.