Prune Juice


Prune juice refers to the juice or puree of prunes, which are plum cultivars, most often Prunus domestica species. It is consumed as a health drink, and is prepared by re-hydrating and pureeing dried prunes.


Prune Juice Recipe Overview

Dried plums are re-hydrated in water by steaming or boiling. This can be done by boiling one part of dried prunes with 5 parts of water, and simmering the contents for three to four hours. The resulting mixture is pureed with the help of a pulper to obtain the puree or ‘juice’, which has a beautiful dark purple colour. Sweeteners may be added by people as per individual taste, though they increase the calorie content of the drink.


Health Benefits of Prune Juice

  • The juice of prunes contains dyhydrophenylisatin, which acts as a natural laxative. It also contains significant amounts of dietary fibre. Hence the juice is very effective in conditions of constipation. Warm juice is known to provide quicker relief from constipation.
  • Prunes are a rich source of phenols, which are a type of antioxidants that prevent detrimental effect of free radicals on body fat. This results in preventing damage of skin cell and brain cell membranes.

·         Prunes are very low in sodium content, and 1/4th cup of the juice contains just 1.7mg of sodium.

·         The juice helps in building the body’s immunity. One glass of the juice daily is the recommended quantity for obtaining maximum benefits.

·         Soluble fibre present in prunes helps in keeping the blood sugar levels under control by slowing down the body’s absorption of sugar. It is also known to aid insulin formation, thus reducing risk of diabetes. Fibre also helps in weight loss by making people feel fuller for longer and thus preventing over-eating. Soluble fibre also causes extra bile production by the liver, which is done using the body’s stored cholesterol. It thus helps lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease.

  • Insoluble fibre present in prunes and their juice is beneficial for intestinal health and a clean colon. Indigestible fibre triggers fatty acid production in the stomach which acts as a natural laxative and helps clean the colon.
  • Juice of prunes is a very good source of potassium, which is an important ingredient for lowering risk of high blood pressure and stroke.



Buying Prune Juice


Though freshly prepared juice of prunes is the best in terms of nutrition, pre-packaged form of the juice is often a choice for those with a fast lifestyle. However, one should read the nutritional labels of such juices carefully before consumption, as they may contain sugar and other unhealthy ingredients that negate the benefits of the drink.




Suanmeitang is a Chinese summer drink made of sour prunes. This sour prune juice is known to be beneficial as a remedy for the body’s acidity.