Wasabi Sauce


Wasabi sauce, also known as Asian horseradish sauce, is prepared using wasabi which belongs to the same family as Cabbages, horseradish and mustard. This sauce is generally served as a dipping sauce. This sauce is included in the seafood fondue along with tartar sauce and garlic sauces. In Japan, wasabi is added to most of the variations of soy sauce.  


Tasting Notes of Wasabi Sauce
Wasabi sauce belongs to the category of hot sauces. Most of the chili based sauces contain an active ingredient capsaicin, but in case of wasabi it is isithiocynate. The hotness of sauce can be controlled by limiting the amount of wasabi. The hotness of sauce can be intense and often seems to localize in nasal cavities, but it fades quickly, unlike some other hot pepper sauces.


Preparation Analysis
Apart from wasabi, broccoli, salt and water, soy sauce, sake and sugar or sweetener are required for making the sauce. All ingredients are combined together and cooked; butter is whisked into the sauce towards the end of cooking.  Wasabi Mayonnaise is a popular variation of the sauce, which his prepared using water, mayonnaise, and wasabi powder. Wasabi sauce can remain fresh if refrigerated properly.  Wasabi is also added to increase hotness of sashimi dipping sauce. Apart from wasabi, ginger and soy sauce is used in the preparation of sauce.


Health Benefits of Wasabi Sauce

  • Anti cancer Effects – Wasabi is enriched with compounds, which neutralizes the effects of free radicals produced during oxidation.
  • Anti Inflammatory – Wasabi is known to cause nasal irritation and congestion (in some cases), but the plant as a whole is beneficial. It helps to eliminate infections spread through other parts of the body. Its regular usage helps to minimize the severity of injuries, sores, and other inflammations.
  • Anti Microbial Effects – Wasabi is considered a potent ingredient in sauces and sushi due to its anti microbial properties. It helps to kill infectious bacteria residing in stomach.


Side Effects
Wasabi sauce is not recommended for people who are allergic to wasabi. The wasabi is known for its gallbladder and liver stimulating effects. Consuming wasabi can cause some gastrointestinal disturbances like nausea and diarrhea.