
Mizutaki is a generic name for the Japanese hot pot dishes, a kind of Japanese stew, specifically from Fukuwoka cuisine. Typically prepared in a pot by simmering vegetables and meat in water, the dish, according to Mizutaki recipes is mostly served with accompaniments like ginger, green onions, lemons and most significantly with ponzo radhies. Mizutaki preparation and serving involves simmering the meat and vegetables on the table and serving the dashi soup thus made immediately, hot. The pot is usually shared by all the diners on the table.


Origin of Mizutaki Recipes

Mizutaki is said to have its ancestry in Chinese cuisine and seems to have been derived from the style of cooking chicken soup in the cuisine. The genre of hot pot dishes also seem to be associated with the concept of the western consommé.


Mizutaki Recipes –Commonly Used Ingredients and Preparation Overview

A number of variations of Mizutaki may be prepared with ingredients of choice, though the basic ingredients include a soup base which may be a clear or milky chicken broth or stock. Mizutaki is prepared by simmering chicken bones, gizzards and liver in water. Chopped vegetables and tofu can be added to the simmering liquid when done on a low flame. The dish is enjoyed with ponzu sauce.


Mizutaki Recipes- Serving suggestions

Mizutaki is best enjoyed when these handy tips are followed in its preparation. Vegetables should be added to the soup only when the soup becomes strongly flavorful by absorbing the flavors of the chicken being cooked in it. Another recommended suggestion is to use to leftover soup in the preparation of udon noodles or rice cakes.