
Ladakh food is quiet similar to the Tibetan food as a large percentage of population in Ladakh is of Tibetan descent. Majority of Ladakhis are Buddhists that hail from Tibet, hence the major part of food in Tibet  consists of Tibetan dishes such as momos, thupka and tsampa.


History of Ladakh Cuisine

Ladakh food is highly influenced by the Tibetan food culture that reflects the Buddhists approach. Ladakh usually follows a cash-based economic culture; hence the foods from the Indian plain lands are becoming highly popular in this Himalayan city. Kashmiri food is also quiet prominent in the city.


Ingredients Used in the Food of Ladakh

One of the main ingredients used in the dishes prepared in Ladakh is barley. It is either used in the form of flour in the dish called ‘ngampe’ or in the fermented form to produce a local alcoholic drinks called ‘chang’. This drink is an extremely popular  festive drink of the city.


Other popular ingredients are pasta and root vegetables that are typically included in a popular Ladakhi dish called ‘skyu’. Meat and noodles are also highly used to make local delicacies known as ‘momos’ and ‘thupka’.


Green tea mixed with butter and salt, a famous beverage drunk in Ladakh, provides some health benefits along with the taste.


Places to Eat Best of Ladakhi Food

  • Tenzin Dickey TibetanThis is the best place to savor vegetarian Tibetan food with the servings of momos and thupkas.
  • Gesmo Restaurant – Cakes and hot beverages are the main attractions in this popular eating joint in Ladakh that stays open till late in night. It is an ideal place for tourists visiting the Ladakh city.
  • Ladakhi Bakeries – Ladakh food is also famous for some of the best bakery products and this old bakery house is the ideal place for the same.