Ham Souffle

Ham souffle is an airy and light baked cake. It is made with ham as the main ingredient, in addition to other essential ingredients like cream, egg yolk and egg white. When made right, the souffle has a puffy and well-risen top that is golden brown in color. The origin of the dish is traced back to France. The souffle, however, is baked and served in almost every corner of the world.


Ham souffles have a savory taste and a soft, creamy texture. The center is usually gooey, but not runny.


Ingredients and Preparation


Ingredients: Classic ingredients used in the preparation of the traditional ham souffle include ham, onion, salt, some sugar, pepper, cream, egg white, egg yolk and butter. The ham used in preparation should preferably be fresh and is either chopped into very tiny bits or ground. The onion is minced before used. Additional ingredients that add volume and flavor to the souffle, like vegetables, meats, nutmeg, paprika, parsley, chives, white pepper and black salt, to name a few, are often mixed with the conventional ingredients. Cheese is a popular ingredient and added to make a souffle that is creamier and softer than usual.


Preparation: Baking is the preferred method when it comes to cooking ham souffles. While ramekins are traditionally used as baking molds, other modern alternatives can also be used. To make the souffle, the egg whites are first beaten till stiff and then mixed with the yolks. The mixture is beaten together with all the other ingredients, made into a smooth batter, poured into molds and baked till the souffles are done.




Ham souffles are very versatile. There are many variations of the basic recipe, mostly regional and based on the ingredients used in preparation. Some recipes call for the use of flour or cornflour to thicken the batter and make it easier to work with. At times, ham (and other meats and vegetables, if used) is fried or baked beforehand so that the meat cooks well. The twice baked version of the souffle is perfect for those who like well-done meat and want to ensure that the souffle turns out perfectly baked.




Ham souffle is often served piping hot, right out of the oven. Freshly baked souffles are unmolded onto a serving plate and served as an appetizer, side dish or even a snack. It is important to consume the souffles while the tops are still puffy for maximum flavor. Mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables and green salads go really well with ham souffles. As far as the souffle itself goes, it makes an ideal accompaniment to steaks and roasts.