Lobster Dip


Lobster dip is a dipping sauce made with lobster as a principle ingredient, along with a base such as cream cheese and flavorings like garlic, onion and lemon juice. The dip is served with snacks like chips or crackers, and is a popular feature of various coastal cuisines.


Lobster Dip Preparation Overview

Ingredients: Ingredients for making the dip vary widely. Cream cheese, cooked and chopped lobster meat, minced onion, lemon juice, butter and horseradish are ingredients suggested by some of the commonly used recipes. Additional ingredients may include mayonnaise, garlic powder, onion powder, cheese, etc.

Method of Preparation: The dip is prepared by mixing all the ingredients, covering and chilling in a refrigerator. Some recipes suggest baking the mixed ingredients.


Serving Suggestions

The dip can be served warm or chilled along with crackers, chips, tortillas, etc. A thicker version of the dip can be served as a bread spread.


Lobster Dip Recipe Variations

  • One version of the dish is made with cooked lobster, dry white wine, butter, Tabasco sauce and shredded Cheddar cheese. Cheese is stir-fried in heated butter in a pan till it melts, and Tabasco sauce and wine are added to this, followed by finely chopped lobster meat. The contents are cooked for some time.
  • Lobster Artichoke Dip is a dip made with lobsters, artichoke hearts, chopped onion, shredded Parmesan cheese, mayonnaise and cream cheese. It is prepared by mixing the ingredients and baking them.
  • A spicy version of the dip is made with additional ingredients like chopped green pepper, onion and garlic powder and bread crumbs.
  • A Lobster Curry Dip is prepared by the use of curry powder along with regular lobster dip ingredients.
  • Another recipe for the dip suggests usage of additional ingredients like Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce along with the other ingredients suggested by the basic lobster dip recipe.


Nutritional Information

Lobster dip contains the goodness of lobsters, which are low in carbohydrates and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, hence benefiting the heart and brain. Lobsters are also a good source of selenium, copper and phosphorus, and beneficial in conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. A single serving of the basic version of lobster dip contains about 86 calories, 7.9g fat and 35mg cholesterol.