Butternut Curry


Butternut curry is a low-fat spicy curry cooked with butternut squash in India and the adjoining regions. The recipe has gained in popularity with the squash being preferred in its curried form across USA, Canada, and Australia as well. Soups as well as salads utilizing the curried squash as an ingredient are also prepared in the United States of America. The Thais use coconut milk and both the red and green curry pastes to prepare their version of the curry. While the squash is preferred as a vegetable dish, certain recipes also recommend cooking it with chicken.


Baked butternut squashes are utilized to make curries which can also be used to prepare a healthy, vegan dish of risotto.


The curried butternut is usually served with hot rice with the Americans preferring the basmati variety. Brown rice is also served with the curry as a part of the low-fat meal for people on diet.



 Overview of Butternut Curry Recipes

The traditional Indian method for preparing the curry involves cutting the squash into cubes and sautéing them in hot oil which is already tempered with mustard and fenugreek seeds along with whole red chilies. Turmeric and cumin powder are also added to the squash and the ingredients are allowed to cook on low-flame until the squash becomes tender. The dish does not need any water and is thick in consistency. Cilantro serves as the usual garnish although freshly grated coconut is sprinkled on the hot dish alternatively.



Popular Variations of Butternut Curry Recipes

The squashan also be combined with other vegetables and cooked into a curry. Prawns and chicken are not favored with the vegetable in India usually, but are quite popular in  Far East and America. Some of the most popular variations of the curried butternut squash include:-

  • Squash & Tofu in Red Curry- This is a typical Thai curry prepared with coconut milk and red curry paste.
  • Butternut-Pineapple Curry- The squash is cooked with curry paste and pineapple chunks cooked in a coconut milk and vegetable broth.
  • Curried Squash Casserole- A baked dish prepared with the butternut squash, rice, and rice and vegetable broth. The dish is topped with roasted almonds and raisins.
  • Butternut Curry & Apple Soup- This is an old American dish prepared by sautéing diced butternut squash and apples in butter and mixed with curry powder and vegetable bouillon. The dish is served with a twirl of cream and chives.
  • Curry Roasted Butternut Squash- This is a traditional Thanksgiving dish cooked with a twist. The squash is baked together with cayenne pepper, chickpeas, and curry powder and is served with yogurt sauce on the side.




The English Chef, Jamie Oliver included a variation of Butternut curry cooked with Rogan Josh paste in his book, “Jamie Oliver's 30-minute meals.”