Raw Pizza Recipe

CrazyHealerLady's picture

Aug. 12, 2009

PIZZA! Jess shows how to make a basic pizza. Video and recipe made up on the spot. So delicious, it didn't even make it to video. All I could get was a picture before it was devoured!


2/3c buckwheat, soaked and dried
2tbsp flax seed
1/2c almonds, soaked and dried
1/2c cashews

Grind to a flour. Set aside.

2 medium tomatoes
1/2c carrot
pinch Celtic Sea Salt
2 cloves garlic
2tbsp hemp oil

Stir into flour with 2tbsp Victorian Epicure Tapenade seasoning, or your favourite herbs and spices.

Spread onto teflex sheet and dehydrate until it will hold together. Flip onto regular wire dehydrator tray, and dry until warm and bread-like, but not crispy.

Pizza Sauce:
1tbsp sundried tomatoes, soaked in 1/3c water

Blend with

2tbsp nutritional yeast
pinch Celtic Sea Salt
2 tbsp water.

Spread onto pizza crust, and top with favourite toppings. Pictured in video are: Avocado, Spinach, Tomato. Topp with nutritional yeast if desired. Dehydrate 2hrs, until warm, or serve as is.