
A rusk is a twice-baked biscuit or bread, which is dry and hard in texture. Previously, during the early pioneer days it was used as a way to preserve bread in the dry season. This was used during the times of war and when people are traveling long distance. Babies use it as a teething food. In the UK, rusk acts as a food additive. Milk toast is a form of modern rusks, which has a slight flavor and sweetness. It is a traditional biscuit, which is known as ‘khasta’ in India and ‘beskuit’ in Africa. 



Rusk is traditionally made by baking it at home. In mass-market, Ouma Rusks is the most famous biscuit available. These are sold in many bakeries, retail shops, and wholesale market and in home industries. These biscuits are made by using exotic ingredients. Generally, plain and buttermilk flavors are available, purchased, and liked by people all over. There are some more flavors of aniseed, condensed milk, muesli, whole wheat and lemon poppy seed.



The basic ingredients in preparing rusk recipe maybe nutty wheat, baking powder, cream of tartar, sugar, sunflower seeds, seedless raisins, flax seed which is optional, pecan nuts which maybe finely chopped but it is optional, salt, margarine, oil, beaten eggs, buttermilk and baking soda. Initially, all the ingredients maybe mixed except the baking soda. Then the margarine maybe melted and stir it with adding oil, eggs and buttermilk. In the buttermilk mixture, the baking soda maybe stirred and later the dry and wet ingredients maybe mixed. It maybe mixed with clean hands. If the dough maybe bit too stiff then some water maybe poured until workable. The baking pans maybe greased with butter. Then the dough maybe rolled into balls or just maybe simply pressed in baking pans. It maybe noticed that the dough must not be higher than 3.5 cms. It may be baked at 180 degrees for an hour and 25 minutes. Then Rusk maybe cut in pieces or the balls maybe broken loosely. The Rusk recipe is then loosely put in baking trays. The oven heat maybe reduced to 70 degrees. Lastly, the rusk maybe dried overnight or for about 7 hours.



In food industries, various sizes of Rusk particles are used for flavoring, seasoning and colors for its appearance. It maybe used as a binding agent in hamburgers, sausages, stuffing, pies, and other meat products. It maybe used as an ingredient for dried stuffing mixtures.



There maybe various varieties of Rusk recipe, like Beschuit in Netherlands, Zwieback in Germany, Skorpor in Swedish, which is flavored with herbs, dried fruit, nuts, or spices such as anise or cardamom. Paximadi in Greece, which is made generally by using barley or chickpea flour, and it, is softened with wine, water or oil before eating. Farley’s rusks in United Kingdom are known as dry biscuits. Butcher’s Rusk in Britain is also a dry biscuit that is broken into particles. Some more recipes of this are buttermilk, cake, crunchie and sweet rusks.



Rusk maybe served in snacks with tea or coffee. It maybe served itself or it maybe used as an ingredient for dry mix stuffing or as a binding agent in sausages and hamburgers. It maybe used to bind the meat together and provide a crispy texture.



Undoubtedly, rusk recipe include nutritional values such as carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and little fats. It is healthy for people of all ages. It maybe used as a food additive.