Trinidad Scorpion Pepper


Trinidad Scorpion pepper is a variety of chili pepper, currently described as the hottest pepper in the world. It belongs to the Butch T species with the cultivar named after Butch Taylor, the owner of Zydeco Hot Sauce company, who is credited with propagating its seeds. The hottest variety was produced in Australia and it took over a year to develop properly.


The chili is characterized by its pointed ends which resemble the sting of a scorpion, hence its name. The chili has been named as the hottest pepper in the world by the Guinness World Records in March 2011. It was found to measure 1,463,700 Scoville heat units, a standard form of chili heat measurement. The piquancy of the chili is known to vary considerably according to climatic conditions.


The chili can be used in making sauces, salsas, and marinades.



What is Trinidad Scorpion Pepper?

The chili is a variant of the Capsicum chinense species and is characterized by its extreme heat. It is intensely hot and can cause irritation to the skin on contact. It is, therefore, imperative to wear a body protection suit while handling the chilies. The pepper has a wrinkled appearance that matures to a bright red color from a vibrant green. It is currently grown in Australia although it hails from Trinidad and the neighboring areas of the Caribbean islands.



Culinary Uses of Trinidad Scorpion Pepper

The pepper has a very limited use in cooking due to its intense heat. However, it is possible to prepare sauces and salsas with the hot chili which needs to be added in miniscule amounts.



Health Benefits of Trinidad Scorpion Pepper

The high amount of capsaicin in the pepper is believed to be beneficial for controlling arthritis, shingles and psoriasis. It is also known to reduce pain and improve blood circulation.




  • Trinidad Scorpion Pepper is used in tear gas and other defensive weapons.
  • Trinidad Scorpion Pepper can cause temporary blindness due to the intense irritation caused by capsaicin, when it comes in contact with the eye or accidentally touches the skin near it.